Friday, March 21, 2008


I've been thinking about perfection, grace and holiness.  Sometimes the more I read, the more I feel burdened about the things I do and think that need to change.  This is a good thing, to a certain extent, but perfection of action has never been the point.  Aiming for perfection brings guilt, discouragement and crankiness.  So you see, we need Grace.  We have unending grace in Jesus.  Grace that empowers us to change, enables us to change and makes us want to.  Without it, there is no point.  I would turn into one of those bitter people who preaches your ear off and makes you feel like dirt if you disagree with them or don't practice what they preach. That's not who i want to be. That isn't who i am. That isn't grace or holiness.
The point of the things I've written about on this blog is grace and compassion.  Grace with others, grace with yourself, grace because of and in Jesus.  I want to me motivated by love and proceed in it.  Therefore, I hope you will never hear that kind of condescension or preaching from me. more importantly, i pray you won't find it in my heart. It's not there now, since I'm more consumed by thoughts of my inadequacy than anything, but these issues are two sides of the same coin.   Neither one is love, grace or holiness. I'm learning how important it is to just take the next step and not take my eyes off of Christ. That's what I'm aiming for: to become more like Him, not to attain my own sense of perfection. so, I suppose can stop feeling inadequate now :) Grace.

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