Sunday, July 15, 2007

CSA Love

Ok, so the picture isn't ours, but recently, Brian and I did join a CSA(Community Supported Agriculture) program. So far, after a month, we love it. I can't imagine going back to not having it! Basically what the CSA entails is that we pay ahead (for us this is monthly, but you can also pay by the quarter) and for $60 a month, we get fresh organic vegetables (and a little fruit) that is grown locally at Silveira Farm in Merced. A box of fresh organic goodness is delivered to The Carrot Healthfood store downtown every Thursday, which is awfully convenient since Brian works about 2 seconds from that store and I can walk there from home. I get excited every week about what treasures our box will hold. We get enough for two people of whatever is in season. Right now that means a lot of zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green beans, sweet corn and lots of things i had never heard of before (like peruvian purple potatoes). There is nothing like getting fresh, organic, local produce practically delivered to your door. If you live in Modesto, make the little journey over to the Carrot, pick up a brochure and check it out. You won't be sorry, I promise!

Don't live in Modesto? Try looking here for a CSA program in your area.

picture courtesy of mikaela on flickr

1 comment:

Bringer of Smiles said...

so what can i say? good quotes, cool blogs, awesome heart. thanks for going through the learning process in all this, compiling the information and sharing it in an easy to pick up way. now go hug a tree.