Thursday, May 29, 2008

Drink Green

Sara at Happy Foody turned me on to the idea of Green Smoothies. I had previously read this article at Vegetarian baby and child, but hadn't implemented the idea of drinking your greens.  It's actually very easy and quite tasty. Elena (my 18 mo. old) eats a green smoothie every day for lunch. I'm so excited to have found a way to get some greens *RAW GREENS!* into my little girl, as she is too young to be able to chew them. Here are just a few reasons to drink green smoothies:
  • Green smoothies are very nutritious. 
  • With a ratio of about 60% - ripe organic fruit mixed with about 40% - organic green vegetables, they taste like sweet fruit, but also have all the nutrition of dark green veggies.
  • Green smoothies are easy to digest. When blended well, all the valuable nutrients in these fruits and veggies become homogenized, or divided into such small particles that it becomes easy for the body to assimilate these nutrients.
  • Green smoothies, as opposed to juices, are a complete food because they still have fiber. 
  • By consuming two or three cups of green smoothies daily you will consume enough of greens for the day to nourish your body, and they will be well assimilated.
  • Green smoothies are easy to make, and quick to clean up after. 
  • Green smoothies are perfect food for children of all ages, including babies of six or more months old when introducing new food to them after mother’s milk. Of course you have to be careful and slowly increase the amount of smoothies to avoid food allergies. 
  • When you consume your greens in the form of green smoothies, you can greatly reduce the consumption of oils and salt in your diet because you are essentially having a salad without the dressing. 
  • Regular consumption of green smoothies forms a good habit of eating greens and helps curb cravings for sweets. 
This video from "
green smoothie girl" helps to explain how to make them. You can find some recipes here.  So, drink up!  The health benefits are amazing.

photo courtesy of Jemnifur on flickr

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