Thursday, May 29, 2008

mmm... Salad

I've rather recently become literally addicted to salads.  I eat one every day for lunch and have for months.  Believe it or not, I look forward to it every day.  It's incredibly good for you - everybody knows that, right?  It leaves me feeling full, yet light.  That is not the case with just about any other meal I eat.  Anyhow I thought I'd share the love and my current favorite salad combination: Thai Style
- any baby green (spinach, herb mix, romaine - anything)
- organic thompson raisins - for sweetness (and they're a good source of iron)
- raw nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews - all of these are good)
- chopped carrots
- raw broccoli
- chopped avocado
- celery
- About a teaspoon of Trader Joe's spicy peanut dressing (Although I would like to start making my own.  It would be easy, since I eat it every day.  Plus I just read the label the other day and sugar is the second ingredient listed - so unnecessary)

Delicious, delicious I tell you.  You should try it.  Yum yum.

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